Not Yet Built Dataset


Doaa Kurdi



The Not Yet Built (NYB) dataset is outside of the standard Postcode Address File (PAF). It lists residential and commercial premises that are under construction or in the planning stage.

Royal Mail works with each UK authority supporting planning departments to define street names and addresses. The NYB dataset identifies buildings still in construction or in the planning stage.

NYB contains about 500,000 premises which are not (yet) included in the PAF database as they are currently unoccupied.

Identifying new buildings helps UK companies offer their services and make accurate deliveries, even before a building is constructed.

When to Include NYB Premises

Ensuring New Builds are Captured

You are a business operating in an area with a high number of new developments. Often there is a period before a completed and occupied property moves from NYB into PAF. Enabling NYB ensures that newly occupied properties will see their address in your dataset.

Developing Market Intelligence

You need intelligence on new markets. The NYB dataset allows you to reach potential customers just moving into a new build home or office.


Access New Markets

New registered businesses which are still developing their offices can be missed on your database. Adding NYB will allow you access to new potential customers. Customers can order your products and services before the completed development of their buildings, and you will be able to make accurate deliveries.

Optimise Data Quality

Improve your knowledge of local markets. Royal Mail receives the NYB address data from local authorities, and updates the information related to new developments daily.

Gain a Competitive Advantage

Build targeted marketing initiatives by unlocking new opportunities your competitors might not have access to. With NYB, you’ll never miss new developments. This is beneficial for both B2B and B2C marketing to improve demand of your products and services.

Who Uses NYB Data?

Not Yet Built data is a useful tool for businesses in different industries. In particular:

  • Utility companies
  • Credit referencing agencies
  • Retail outlets
  • Education authorities
  • Property and construction services
  • Estate agents

Getting Started

Don't want to miss out on Not Yet built data? Submit the form here and we will be in touch.