A blue brush brush the top of a database server

Address Data Cleansing

How dirty is your data? Did you know data decays by 20% per year?

Imagine what impact this has on your customer satisfaction and brand image

Why Cleanse Your Data

Stethoscope attached to a database

Reduce Costs

Data decays at around 20% per year, with additional premium datasets such as UPRNs, Not Yet Built, Multiple Residence and Rooftop Coordinates, you'll hold a more precise and detailed view of your customers

Scales surrounded by blue stars

GDPR Compliant

It is essential that your data is compliant with the data protection principles outlined in the GDPR Regulation. Cleansing your address database will ensure all records are correctly formatted, accurate and up-to-date

Blue taget with an arrow in bullseye

Increase Database Accuracy

Save time and the cost of manually fixing your address records by letting us cleanse your database. Our specialists will provide you with a free Data Report to assess the results of the matched records. View our Address Cleanse guide  for further details

Cleanse for data quality

Cleanse your Data

  • Customer experience, reporting and metrics are all built with the foundation of data quality

  • That's why you should ensure that your data is as accurate as possible

  • Address Cleanse ensures your customer data is up-to-date and compliant. We can help improve the accuracy of your data to help meet regulatory requirements

  • The cleaner your data, the more you'll be able to improve your customer experience, engagement and loyalty. It's your most valuable business asset

  • Talk with our team

Improve the Data Quality in Your Database

Our address specialists verify your existing database against official data sources and return updated and accurate results. We also use machine learning AI and natural language processing to resolve errors and identify addresses more efficiently.

Cleanse and enhance your address records with UPRNs, Rooftop Geolocations and additional authoritative datasets

Sample Address: 17 Greenend Road, London

Address Line One17 Greenend Road
AddressLine Two
AddressLine Three
Town or CityLondon
PostcodeW4 1AP
Postcode Inward1AP
Postcode OutwardW4
Dependant Locality
Double Dependant Locality
ThoroughfareGreenend Road
Dependant Thoroughfare
Building Number17
Building Name
Sub Building Name
PO Box
Department Name
Organisation Name
Postcode TypeS
Su Organisation Indicator
Delivery Point Suffix1A
Traditional CountyGreater London
Administrative County
Postal CountyLondon
Country Iso Code (3)GBR
Country ISO Code (2)GB
County Code

Built with the Most Complete Datasets

Sourced from the most accurate, reliable and updated datasets for the UK

Royal Mail's Postcode Address File
Office for National Statistics
Ordnance Survey AddressBase UPRN
  • Postcode Address File (PAF)
  • Multiple Residence®
  • Not Yet Built®
  • PAF Alias
  • Welsh PAF
  • Office for National Statistics
  • Ordnance Survey AddressBase Core

Discover how to enhance your data

Stops manual address fixesFully compliantImproves customer data
A blue brush brush the top of a database server